Thursday, November 12, 2009

Meow !

This is a cat I saw on my way to physical therapy yesterday. Just resting on a pile of leaves in someone's front garden. In the street across from this house, there was a huge commotion, as technicians were fixing something in the road and cops were monitoring the street. But this cat was none the wiser.


  1. I left a comment on your original post. Also I signed up to be a stalker...oops, I mean Follower.

  2. Nette Katze, und sehr gutes Bild! Ich werde versuchen, dein Follower zu werden.....

    Bussi Bussi

  3. I like it how cats always look like they're observing the world. This one looks nicely groom so it's probably not a stray.

  4. Now that cat knows how to enjoy the fall leaves!
