Sunday, May 16, 2010

Downtown San Jose

Hello All,

My appologies for not posting in a while. For one, I've just been really busy. Second, my camera has been shutting off. The screen goes blank for some reason when I try to snap a picture.

Please forgive the picture I posted above. I took it, while not being able to see anything on the screen.

So basically, this is a view of San Jose from one of the streets close to where I live. In the picture you can see the new buildings next to the old. Downtown San Jose is full of new building as well as holding on to the old, historical ones. This is why I enjoy living here.

So behind the lightrail tracks to the left are law offices. To the right is a German bar in an older building. Behind that bar are newer condos.

Enjoy and in the meantime, I will try to work on fixing the problem with my camera.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Theme- Statues

Hello All,

Sorry for my absence. I recently got a new job, and since then it's been difficult to find time to post new pictures. Especially since I need to take new ones of San Jose.

I promise, I will find the time soon to snap a couple of pictures of my city, especially since the weather has been a lot nicer lately.

Until then, here is a picture I took last September of the Statue of Liberty as we were sailing off to Ellis Island. It was cloudy, but it was still a great ride and I was happy to get a glimpse of Lady Liberty.